Eric Harry's LOVE PRELUDES is a pure romantic classical solo piano album by Eric Harry. Available in download format.
“I recorded this album in 2001 shortly after Sept 11th” Said Eric. “I had just made it back from doing a project in New York two weeks before this all happened. The 911 tragedy was the catalyst for me to do write, compose and play for myself because I felt that time is precious and you just never know what will happen. So I recorded the tracks on my Yamaha C7 at home, which beautiful tube mics and pre's. I took a couple of months to complete”.
“In 2008, I pulled them off the shelf and decided to try something very different, something that has never been accomplished. I asked my friend, mentor, advisor, Terra Martin, who is an international award-winning tanka poet, to write prose to my music. The results were magical. Terra's words are so inspiring, thought-provoking and moving, especially if you listen to “Fidelity”, it always makes me cry” said Eric.